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Silence now Broken......

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2009
  • So my life has been filled with ups and downs .... all things that have taken me away from writing, but not GARDENING  :)  So here is my attempt to catch up.  Gosh, I have missed writing about the entire 2009 Growing season!  During the season I thought my garden was a failure, but putting everything in context I think it was just a 'unique' garden year.

    Here are the highlights:
    • Bugs, bugs, varmits, and more bugs.  Such a loopy season of bugs.  The season started out wet and cold....stayed cool, got very hot.... kinda like a roller coaster
    • Varmits caused alot of my crops to not make it on first attempt, I had to replant squash, beans, and endamame a few times.
    • Corn.  I grew it and it was beautiful.  I was so excited to have fresh corn then a big wind blew in and knocked them all down!
    • Squash bugs - they got my butternut squash AGAIN.
    • Tomato blight- got me this year.  Only enough tomas for eating -- not much for preserving.
    • Expanded the garden ALOT.
    • Grew dry beans and am so happy I did, a must for next year!
    • Enough swiss chard to feed an Army!
    • Grew a 'kitchen garden' right outside the front door and it was a huge success! More veggies closer to the house is a great idea.
    Ok- as more comes to me I will post!