cabbage cherries kitchen garden bean support Demo image Demo image

For the record....

  • Monday, March 21, 2011
    • Tulips and Daffodils are blooming now.....
    • Days still cold, but around mid 40 on up.....
    • Heard spring peepers for the first time on Friday night
    • Planting peas today!
    • Garlic is greening up....
    • Uncovered strawberries
    • Cabbage from fall looks AWESOME!


    Jeane said...

    Do you cover your cabbage over winter? I had some fall carrots come through the winter with marvelous results, but my broccoli all shriveled and dead.

    Kelly said...

    I would like to add - for the record - that I miss you. Rock on garden girl, and happy Spring! xoxo