Peas- These are growing by the front door and I am excited about this type called Estancia. I did not provide support and the description says the tendrils interlock and hold itself up. It is true!
Strawberries- New strawberry bed that I built this year....... These are June bearing strawberries, but I am planting everbearing in the Topsy Turvy planters.
New beds- These are the new beds my dad built. I have all types of things in here: Romanesco, four types of beets (on the sides), rose orach, kale, and new zealand spinach. Second picture shows how it is filling in - amazing!
Tomato bed (the one by the house, I have three beds of tomas by the house) Who knows what I have....all heirloom, all great names.....Church, Green Zebra, San Marzano, Old German......We will see soon!
Potato bin I turned a compost bin into a potato bin! Waste not! I just keep adding straw, and we shall see what happens. This is my first year of potatoes.
Collards/Cabbage/Onions- I am in the process of pulling the kale, but this bed has 3 types of onions and collards and cabbage :)
Cold Frame- Ally types of things here. Bok Choi, spinach, kale, and some collards. This cold frame rocks.
Cherries- Here is our first tree to come into fruit for the season, an old tree but still good fruit. A nice spring afternoon snack.
Iris- I took this from our suburban home :)
Sunberry Patch- As you can see, this is really filling in!
Poppy- I am assuming this is a wild single poppy. It loves my garden.
Cleared Pumpkin Patch- So here is the new pumpkin patch cleared...still need to cover with weed barrier and cover with straw. It is gonna be awesome!
Until the next post with the most recent pics!
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