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My 2010 experiment - Topsy Turvy everything!

  • Saturday, May 29, 2010

  • OK- so this year I got sucked into doing Topsy Turvy strawberries and peppers.  I don't really like the tomato concept, but the strawberry design seems like it should work. Strawberries are like weeds.....and give them some good soil and this should work.  As for the pepper design, again, why not?

    OK- so after testing this concept, I began to think, why would it not work for other plants? If I can grow melons and squash up, why can I grow them down?  So I decided to just 'go for it' and try it.  At this point, I have. I have posted the initial pics I have:

    (2) strawberries [hold about 20 plants]  I purchased two more kits to put the runners in
    (1) pepper planter with peppers
    (1) pepper planter planted with some type of melon- pics TBD
    (1) pepper planter with delicata squash- pics TBD
    (1) pepper planter with cucumbers- pics TBD


    John said...

    I am easing into Topsy Turvy everything too. This year will be my fourth. Tomatoes and hot peppers so far. I have discovered the secret to success (for me). I irrigate it at least daily with a single drip emitter.