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Reflections of Growing Season 2009

  • Saturday, November 7, 2009
  • Everytime I put my garden to bed I get abit of nostalgia and I like to look back at the season.... Boy this has been a tough growing year.  From crazy temps to bugs and animals that really kept me on my toes- my original garden plan got blown away pretty quickly.  Even with all of the hiccups, I realized that my garden gave me hope, happiness, a healthy baby, and a healthy family.  So you know what- it was a total success!  Who cares if my pumpkins only ripened in November and I only had a handful of squash?  Quoting my mum, "you had fun, didn't you?  That is all that makes a difference."  So I will continue to learn from what I did this year to plan my next years garden- but for now..... good night garden..... till spring comes and we meet again!  This final harvest gave us lots of good things: sugar pumpkins, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, beet tops, dried beans, and hot peppers!  Here is my tiny helper, Skyla, at age 2 months!