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My garden - from rags to riches!

  • Friday, May 8, 2009
  • So the winter gave a severe beating on my garden. The deer fencing was ripped up, my mulch swept away, my soil ravaged by the wind, and alot of weeds found a new home!!! I am a very neat and anal gardener, and the below pictures made me sick! So....once you see the transformation, you will see really how I 'roll'!

    So here are the changes. I added weed barrier to all of my paths, made them nice and wide so I could move through the garden easily, used my bamboo to build planting grids and to mark my beds, and my dad helped me restring the deer fencing to make sure my garden is protected! Since these photos I have built a bean teepee out of bamboo, planted: onions, leeks, shallots, beans, corn, radishes, carrots, lettuce, heaps of herbs, swiss chard, and kale. In my bathroom I have cukes, melons, peppers, and eggplants growing.... what fun! I hope to buy my fave tomatoes at Gail's this weekend --- and get them into the ground!

    Now everything just needs to grow! (note the tall spikey things are my garlic I planted last fall....)