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Nothing to do?

  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Now that the garden is fully mulched, all the spring crops are out and summer crops are all in, I truly feel like I don't have much to do!!!  Believe me, I am not complaining, but it just seems crazy to not feel behind the curve :)  I am going to enjoy this for the short time it lasts.   Once those tomatoes start coming in I will again feel behind!  Anyhow, it is nice to know all the preparation work I did, all the mulching, all the planning, is paying off through a gorgeous, happy, and healthy garden. 
    Last week I harvested my first cucumber and Broden said it was the MOST DELICIOUS cucumber EVER! Ha, ha.  A few updates:
    • I pulled ALL OF THE SQUASH PLANT voluteers that sprouted up in the garden.  I found like 20+ squash bugs breeding and that eeked me out enough to pull them all!
    • I have a few Delicata Squash plants under a row cover HOPING the bugs won't get to them. I am watching daily to see when the blossoms open.
    • I mulched the patio beds well to hopefully conserve some water.  Crazy how dry they get!
    • Picked and pitted 20 lbs of tart cherries.  Not the best, but at least I got something.
    • Bought a case of local raspberries and froze them for the winter.
    • Pulled the peas and am drying the pods that were left so I can use the seeds in the spring.
    So for now, garden bliss.  Just got the Territorial Winter Seed already dreaming/planning my fall garden!

    Problems, problems, problems

  • Saturday, June 11, 2011
  • Oh goodness, so early in the season and there are issues ... Just another chance to paruse through my books and determine the best course of action/attack!
    1. So usually I have an issue with flea beetles on my egglplant, but this year I planted them in tabletop beds and completely solved that problem!  So that is good, not a problem.
    2. My Red Norland potatoes leaves are twisted and disfigured at the top.  Their bottom leaves are healthy and green and gorgeous.  For some reason the top leaves seems twisted.  I don't think it is the leaf roll virus as it doesn't fit the description.  Anyhow this is the only bed that has it.  There are two other beds adjacent and they are fine!  I just spoke to my garden mentor and she thinks that the issue is the pH.......and I did lime this bed this I will try some blood meal and see if that helps.
    Ok- for now that are all the actual problems I have, unless you say that not having enough room for all of my potatoes and tomatoes is a PROBLEM!

    My tomato staking approach
     A few things to note for the season:
    • Tart cherries are just about ready to pick
    • Almost all tomatoes are staked (check out my new system)
    • Tabletop gardens are working GREAT except they need EXTRA watering
    • Just picked up Aunt Molly's ground cherries and the Pineapple ground cherries from Gails, this is gonna be fun!
    • Garlic scapes are done
    • Pole beans are coming up
    • Saw my first cucumber and squash- they should be on my plate anyday now!
    My tabletop eggplant
    My new rhubarb patch
    My been teepees!