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October Summary

  • Saturday, November 6, 2010
  • Again, from my memory...but what I remember is that it was an AWESOME harvest month.
    • Seeing as last month was October, I still have very great memories!  Great memories of good harvests....and of stink bugs :(
    • Before I mention the great things, I just have to mention how horrendous the stink bugs were this year. I mean we had several swarm days, and maybe a few of them were in September.... Anyhow, we had THOUSANDS on our house, and I literally hated it.  I actually got Country Pest and Termite to come out BEFORE the first swarm which I think helped.  All the news talked about how bad this year was....they were relentless.  They were also all over my parents Airstream which I had to go in to clean up for some people who were looking at it.  I HATE STINKBUGS!  In the cars, in the house, everywhere!
    • Beyond stinkbugs, GREEN BEANS (Masai) were amazing
    • Pulled all pumpkins, boston marrow, and coosa. Stink bugs just too bad. I only got (3) Boston Marrow, but hey- that is ok!
    • Tomatoes keep coming! Although cooler, still got loads of San Marzano's
    • Pulled Sprite Melons
    • Still eating Sweet Potato leaves and pulled a few potatoes. But honestly I don't want to get the potatoes cause I will then have to stop eating the leaves!
    • Pulled Endamame, they got heaps of pods finally but the pods had barely anything in them. I think it was because of the drought.  Decided to use their remains in building up my new beds.
    • Planted fall crops (I think I did this is September) cabbage, Kale, beets, carrots, and bok choi
    • Harvested dry beans - ok season.
    • Planted cold frame with lettuce, beats, and kale.
    • Planted garlic
    • Pulled sweet potatoes at the end of the month