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Slowly waking up....

  • Saturday, February 21, 2009
  • So this winter has been fierce- full of cold and gusty wind. I know I was looking forward to this period of rest, but right about now I am LONGING for the spring. I know it has been a long time since I wrote - but I guess I have been in hibernation too, we all need a break.

    So as the days become longer and the thought of spring is actually a possibility, it is time to start thinking about GARDEN 2009! Beyond the economic crisis, I had already planned on growing a much larger garden. Last fall I made 5 more beds, so at least alot of grunt work is done. So here are the things I know I need to do:
    • Build up my new beds more. Need to add manure and leaves and other materials
    • Fix and expand my deer fencing. I need to surround my new beds AND fix the winter damage -- this is going to take the most work.
    • Buy and plant more blackberries and fruit trees
    • Re-build my bamboo trellace. The winter storms blew them all over the place. I need to replace and tie down with wire.
    • Find, buy, and spread hay/straw on my garden paths

    So far, that is what my brain can muster up. My next entry I am going to list out my favorite seed and plant sources --- also I am going to start my monthy garden checklist!